Concessionária Peugeot - Le Parc - Curitiba / PR

Concessionária Peugeot - Le Parc
Curitiba / PR

Rua Gen. Mário Tourinho, 1424, C.Do Siqueira,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 80740-000, Curitiba / PR

Sou dono deste local

Telefones: (Toque para ligar)

(41) 3331-6500

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Sobre a empresa

Peugeot s industrial adventure was born in a steel foundry set up in a converted flour mill. It was rapidly abandoned for cold rolling, a much more profitable activity, for which a patent was registered in 1818. The cold rolling activity led to the production of manufactured objects, saws and watch and clock mechanisms. Success and prosperity were not long in arriving, thanks to the quality of the products, which were already being exported. This quality came to be symbolised in the emblem of the lion


Outros locais na região

Concessionária Chevrolet - Ccv

Rodovia Br 116 - Km 399, 6490, Tarumã,Curitiba - PR,, Curitiba/PR

Fiat Florenca - Curitiba

Avenida Malfloriano Peixoto, 3501, Parolin,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 80220-001, Curitiba/PR

Formula Renault

Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 3588, , Parolin,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 80220-001, Curitiba/PR

G.Y. Comercio de Acessorios Automotivos - Cajuru

Rua Lourival Wendler, 361, Cajuru,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 82960-030, Curitiba/PR

Ivan Kenji Haramura - Rebouças

Rua Lamenha Lins, 1716, Tr, Rebouças,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 80220-080, Curitiba/PR

Elias Conrado da Silva - Automotores - Capão Raso

Rua João Rodrigues Pinheiro, 74, Lj, Capão Raso,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 81130-180, Curitiba/PR

Sportage Veículos - Portão

Rua João Bettega, 974, Portão,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 81265-362, Curitiba/PR

Ezequiel Pereira Rosa - Pilarzinho

Rua João Polak, 83, Tr, Pilarzinho,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 82115-020, Curitiba/PR

Metrosul Comercial de Veiculos Ltda

Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 4100, Parolin,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 80220-001, Curitiba/PR

Avis Rent A Car

Avenida do Batel, 1230, Cj 701, Batel,Curitiba - PR, CEP: 80420-090, Curitiba/PR


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